


“She preferred imaginary heroes to real ones because when tired of them, the former could be shut up in the tin kitchen till called for, and the latter were less manageable.”
Louisa May Alcott,  Little Women

 The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines Savior as:

1 : one that saves from danger or destruction

2 : one who brings salvation
Messiahs, deliverers, and redeemers, are therefore each defined as a singular individual who can bring salvation to others, which is in many ways the opposite of what the Church of Thea Apo Mesa endorses. On the contrary, we believe that it is the group, as a whole, that is best suited to make the proper choices for the greater good.
We do not recognize that there will ever be one single person who can or should, represent or save everyone else. The reliance on one person alone to lead others is a slippery slope that revolves entirely upon that person never changing their motivation or purpose, while a dependence upon the group is more realistic and reliable because it will evolve, adapt, and change as the group itself requires. 
Historically speaking, saviors and messiahs have done literally miraculous things for the betterment of humankind and there are entire libraries dedicated to the beauty and wisdom of their thoughts and words, and rightfully so. They will forever serve as paragons of our species and for their help, they should always be honored. 
However, the one thing that all saviors and enlightened beings have in common is that they are no longer here. Enlightenment is always followed by departure.
It is always the masses who must stay and face the endless ordeal of doubt and pain in this world, so maybe it's time that the many stand together and save themselves.
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Schrödinger's Sword

"We do not have to become heroes overnight. Just a step at a time, meeting each thing that comes up ... discovering we have the strength to stare it down." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

 Possibly the most intriguing concept behind the Arthurian legend is the idea that there was a magical sword in a stone that had the potential to be drawn out and wielded by anyone. Being familiar with this timeless legend, we know that it was Arthur who was destined to free the sword, but at the time, no one (including Arthur himself) knew that to be the case. Every human on earth was each in their own super-position of being The One, and not being The One, at least until they tried to remove the blade from the stone, and that Uncertainty made everyone equal in a way that superseded race, gender, wealth, or social status. The potential represented by that one, undrawn sword was unparalleled because as long as it remained embedded in stone, every person on earth was a potential savior.

This is a particularly apt symbol because the strength of a sword lies in the tempering process wherein it is heated nearly to the point of destruction and then cooled, attaining a strength it never had before. We too undergo this same process by enduring the hardships of life, the only difference being that it is in our reaction to the near-destructive heat that will ultimately strengthen us, or not. But if we are wise, and recognize a tempering when it is upon us, we can endure with grace and become stronger than we ever were before.

So what if instead of waiting for one, singular Savior to come along and draw the sword for their own use, we allow ourselves to be tempered and strengthened, and as a group, save ourselves?

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