


The purpose of biotechnology and transhumanism, in general, is to improve and lengthen human life. As Thea Apo Mesa understands this reality, we have no problem with these goals/outcomes. Our purpose here is to each evolve on a personal level until we can be removed from the simulation to fulfill some greater purpose, the underlying goal being self-improvement. If we can extend our lifespan and improve our abilities, then that seems like a more efficient method of evolution than simply dying and reincarnating to start all over again. In fact, if through biotechnology, we are able to extend the human life span, by say, double, then that would seem to greatly improve the chances of our being able to graduate from this program in a single cycle without having to be reborn at all, thereby making the process far more efficient.

If technology can optimize evolution, then we should embrace it.

Corporate Responsibility

The responsibility of biotech companies cannot be stressed enough. If we are to rely on them to provide us with safe and upgradeable cybernetic additions to our bodies, as they rely on us to provide a caron-based canvas upon which to paint, then we need to expand and improve the legal responsibilities these companies must be controlled and governed by.

Already in our world, we have people with defunct implants that they can neither upgrade nor remove because the company responsible for the technology has either been absorbed and abandoned by a larger company or simply gone out of business, leaving these people with outdated, obsolete hardware in their bodies. For this to happen to even one person is a horrifying, unethical, and legally reprehensible situation, but imagine it happening to millions or tens of millions of people simultaneously. As a society, we must push and demand legal safeguards to ensure that this situation is never repeated. The insistence on cyborg rights must begin now.


Novo Sapiens

The word posthuman is used to describe the next biological gestalt of human evolution. They are the Next Level. Whether it be through genetic manipulation, implantable technology, or biointervention, the posthuman will be very different from us with entirely new sets of goals, dreams, ambitions, and fears. The most mundane of their daily activities might seem like science-fiction to us. That being said, we are certainly now experiencing the dawn of that new era and will play a fundamental role in its formation.

Life in a posthuman world will be fundamentally different from our current existence, to the point that we cannot now realistically conceive of how the average posthuman will process data or perceive the universe around them. For all intents and purposes, they will be, by comparison, an alien species.

They may become extremely introverted with all daily interactions being nothing more than sending/receiving code on a surgically impersonal level. It could also be that becoming digitally connected with every other person on earth simultaneously gives rise to a group mind that is far more comforting and satisfying than anything we can currently understand. Certainly, the truth of it will be stranger than our fiction, but it is an inevitable outcome, given any rate of advancement whatsoever.

Whether it be in this generation or the next, a posthuman civilization will emerge in this simulation and the Church of Thea Apo Mesa hopes to do everything it can to lay the groundwork for a safe, ethical, and compassionate future world where biology and technology can merge.

We welcome you to join us.

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